We finally got around to configuring our internet network to the laptop, which means it's time for an update! Things have been going well around here- boxes are gradually getting unpacked, installation schedules are being juggled, and it's starting to really feel like a home. Heck, even the cats spent a good part of the evening exploring the house! Granted, Cleo was in her crate... we're still working on introducing the lion to the lambs :)
Cade's birthday is this Sunday, so we kicked off the birthday bonanza weekend with Red Velvet pancakes al fresco on our brand new (to us) patio set, followed by an exciting trip to the grocery store (no, seriously), and dinner at home followed by birthday pie.
"Birthday pie?"
Birthday pie. Cade prefers pie to cake, so I ventured out into F-burg ON MY OWN WITHOUT GOOGLE MAPS and made it to the grocery store this morning for some Key Lime Pie ingredients. The recipe ended up being the easiest ever (beat 3 egg yolks, add a can of condensed milk, add 1/2 c. lime juice and the zest of one lime, pour into a graham cracker crust and bake for 15 min @ 350), and I even picked up some heavy whipping cream so we could top the pie off right. Cade had his doubts until fluffy little peaks slowly developed. It was a great meal and we're excited to put our new kitchen to good use.
And since it's 1 AM, the rest of our adventures will have to wait. Stay tuned for "Adventures in the produce aisle" and "How to save money without really trying." Thanks for joining us on the journey- life is good!
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